
  Patient Group Dosage (per day) Frequency Notes Adults 1200-1800 mg 3-4 times Divided doses throughout the day Children 20 mg Divided Weight should be ≥ 7 kg

Who Build This Mysterious Structure in Antarctica?

  Who Build This Mysterious Structure in Antarctica? Antarctica is the enigmatic frozen continent, holds within its icy embrace an aura of mystery that has captivated the human imagination for centuries. A desolate and inhospitable land, It is a place where the forces of nature reign supreme, untouched by the hand of civilization. Vast stretches of ice stretch as far as the eye can see, concealing secrets and unknown wonders beneath their frozen facade. Credit Goes to ZemTv The Coldest Tundra! Arctic & Antarctica Animal Wildlife Children's Polar Regions Books Some Interesting facts About Antarctica   Extreme Cold:   Antarctica is the coldest continent on Earth, with temperatures dropping as low as minus 128.6 degrees Fahrenheit (-89.2 degrees Celsius). It holds the record for the lowest temperature ever recorded on the planet. Ice and Water: Around 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice, averaging about 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) in thickness. The continent is also home to 90% of t

Graham Hancock Gobekli Tepe Book

  Gobekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods :  New Gobekli Tepe Discoveries New discoveries at Göbekli Tepe , the ancient archaeological site in southeastern Turkey, have shed new light on the complexity and significance of this remarkable site. Excavations and research conducted in recent years have unveiled a wealth of fascinating findings that challenge our understanding of early human civilization. One of the most significant discoveries is the identification of additional monumental structures at Göbekli Tepe . Previously, the site was known for its large stone pillars arranged in circular patterns, believed to have been used for ritual purposes.  Furthermore, the discovery of new animal reliefs at the site has expanded our understanding of the symbolic and ritualistic practices carried out at Göbekli Tepe . Intricate depictions of various animals, including lions, snakes, scorpions, and vultures, adorn the pillars and walls.  Additionally, ongoing analysis of the artifacts found at the s

Ancient Egypt National Geography

  Ancient Egypt   located in northeastern Africa, was a civilization that thrived for over three millennia, from around 3100 BCE to 30 BCE. The geography of ancient Egypt played a crucial role in shaping the civilization's development and way of life. Here are some key aspects of the national geography of ancient Egypt: The Nile River  A majestic waterway of immense historical and cultural significance, holds a prominent place in the annals of human civilization. Stretching over 4,000 miles, it is the longest river in the world, traversing multiple countries in northeastern Africa. The Nile played a vital role in the development of ancient Egypt, serving as a lifeline for its people. Its annual flooding brought nutrient-rich silt, creating fertile lands along its banks, which supported robust agricultural practices. The river facilitated transportation and trade, connecting different regions and enabling the exchange of goods and ideas. It provided a source of water for irrigation,